Established in 2009, the International Centre on Human Rights
and Drug Policy (HRDP) is dedicated to developing and promoting innovative and
high quality legal and human rights research
and teaching on issues related to
drug laws, policy and enforcement. Since 2011, the HRDP has made its home at
the Human Rights Centre at the
University of Essex.
The HRDP pursues this mandate by publishing original, peer-reviewed research on drug issues as they relate to international human rights law, international humanitarian law, international criminal law and public international law.
The HRDP’s work supports policy development that reconciles the international narcotics control conventions with international human rights law. The HRDP fosters research on drug policy issues among postgraduate law and human rights students through its engagement with universities around the world.
The work of the HRDP is generously supported by the Open Society Foundation’s Global Drug Policy Programme.