September 2009 Archives (News)
The War on Drugs has Failed. Now we need a more Humane Strategy
06 September 2009
Excerpt from a commentary by Former Brazilian President Fernando Henrique Cardoso, published in The Observer , 6 September 2009. It is time to admit the obvious. The "war on drugs" has failed, at least in the way it has been waged so far. In Latin America, the "unintended" consequences have been disastrous. Thousands of people have lost… Read more
Human Rights Council Resolution supporting Harm Reduction, Human Rights Council (2009) 
25 September 2009
Resolution adopted by the Human Rights Council at its 12th regular session specifically supporting harm reduction measures in both preambular and operational paragraphs. This is the first time harm reduction has been explicitly supported by the Council. It had not been endorsed at the former Commission on Human Rights. Human Rights Council Res… Read more