Report of the Working Group on Arbitrary Detention: Mission to Nicaragua (2006)

This report presents the findings and recommendations of the Working Group on its mission to Nicaragua. It notes that a high percent of detainees in prisons are charged with drug-related offences (including women and minors).

The Working Group is also concerned about the disproportionate severity of criminal penalties for offences relating to the use and sale of narcotics. More, those charged with these offences cannot benefit from pardons, amnesties or be released on parole after serving part of their sentences.

The anti-drugs laws affect primarily users and small-scale traffickers, which usually belong to the most vulnerable sectors.  The Working Group recommends the revision of these laws.

Citation: Working Group on Arbitrary Detention, 'Mission to Nicaragua' (2006) A/HRC/4/40/Add.3

HRDP summary