Report of the Special Rapporteur on the question of torture: Follow-up to the recommendations made by the Special Rapporteur - Visits to Azerbaijan, Chile, Mexico, the Russian Federation, Spain, Turkey and Uzbekistan, Theo van Boven (2005)

The communication begins at paragraph 110, with regard to the Russian Federation. It discusses the recommendation to ensure medical facilities and medicines be sufficient to the needs of inmates. The Government speaks of the various numbers of inmates suffering from various diseases such as HIV, conditions such as alcoholism, and those in need of psychiatric treatment. It makes no mention however, of the number of inmates who use drugs, but states that there are 11 hospitals for inmates who use drugs.

It is also stated that the penal correction system pays special attention to combating socially dangerous diseases and based on special programs such as “Comprehensive measures to prevent drug abuse and illicit drug trafficking for the period 2002-2004”, which made it possible to reduce the number of people who use drugs in correctional institutions.

Citation: Theo van Boven, 'Report of the Special Rapporteur on the question of torture: Follow-up to the recommendations made by the Special Rapporteur - Visits to Azerbaijan, Chile, Mexico, the Russian Federation, Spain, Turkey and Uzbekistan' (2005) E/CN.4/2005/62/Add.2

HRDP summary