The UN Committee on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights issued these concluding observations in December 2014 following the sixth periodic report of Finland. The Committee acknowledges the State's ratification of the Optional Protocol of the ICESCR, and other various other international treaties, as well as it notes the state’s national measures taken to promote economic, social and cultural rights. T
These concluding observations also set out a series of subjects for concern and recommendations for the state. In paragraph 25 the Committee raises it's concern for the high consumption of drugs and alcohol amongst young people. The Committee recommends high taxes or the prohibition of advertisement, as well as investing in awareness-raising campaigns, to counter alcohol and drug use among young persons.
Citation: UN Committee on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights UN Committee on Economic Social and Cultural Rights, 'Concluding Observations on the Sixth Periodic Report of Finland' (2014), E/C.12/FIN/CO/6