Del Federico v Italy, ECHR (2002)

The applicant, Mr. Alberto Del Federico, is an Italian national. On 9 December 1985 the applicant, accused of theft and possession of drugs, was arrested and placed in detention on remand. He was released on 21 January 1986. In an order of 27 May 1986, the Ancona investigating judge committed the applicant and fifty-eight other persons for trial before the Ancona District Court. On 2 September 1986 the President of the Ancona District Court scheduled the date of the first hearing for 12 November 1986.

In a judgment of 5 March 1987, filed with the registry on 20 March 1987, the District Court acquitted the applicant for lack of evidence (“insufficienza di prove”). A number of his co-accused were sentenced to heavy penalties. The applicant, together with fourteen other accused, lodged an appeal with the Ancona Court of Appeal in order to obtain a more favourable acquittal formula. On 17 February 1988 the case-file was forwarded to the Court of Appeal. The trial hearing, initially scheduled for 16 April 1996, was adjourned until 13 December 1996. In a judgment of the same day, filed with the registry on 10 January 1997, the Court of Appeal acquitted the applicant. This decision became final on 2 February 1997. The applicant complains about the length of the criminal proceedings against him. He alleges a violation of Article 6 § 1 of the Convention. 

Citation: Del Federico v Italy (App no 35991/97) ECHR 4 July 2002

(from the official press-release prepared by the Registry Office of the  European Court of Human Rights)