Sex, Drugs, and Gender? High Time for Lived Experience to Inform Action, Catherine Hankins (2007)


Gender-responsive policies and programming for women do not fall from the sky. They are anchored in “Nothing about us without us” principles (Canadian HIV/AIDS Legal Network, 2005) with systematic inclusion of women drug users in the design, planning, implementation, monitoring, and evaluation of policies, strategies, and programmes.

Situation analysis starts with the recognition that gender shapes the determinants of illicit drug use; the injecting and sexual behaviours that increase risk of exposure to HIV, hepatitis B and C, and other infections; the responses of family, friends, and care providers; and access and use of harm reduction and treatment services...


Hankins, Catherine, ‘Sex, drugs, and gender? High time for lived experience to inform action.’ (2008) 19 The International journal on drug policy, 95.

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