Marcia Irene Clavijo Tapia v. Ecuador (Friendly Settlement) IACHR (5 October 2007) Report No. 98/00

Marcia Irene Clavijo Tapia, an Ecuadorian national, was arrested and detained during an INTERPOL anti-drug operation: “Operation Silver”.  She was held incommunicado for 15 days.  During this time, she was tortured in an effort to extract a confession.  She was further held in pre-trial detention for three years, and one additional year following the dismissal of her charges based on Ecuadorian law requiring a secondary court to review dismissals.  The State accepted responsibility for the violation of the right to liberty, fair trial, effective judicial remedy and to humane treatment of Ms. Clavijo Tapia and agreed to compensation for damages incurred by the acts as well as to seek out those responsible for the violations.

HRDP summary