Closed to Reason: The International Narcotics Control Board and HIV/AIDS, Csete J and D Wolfe (2007)

This report is a joint work of the Open Society Institute Public Health Program and Canadian HIV/AIDS Legal Network, and is authored by Joanne Csete and Daniel Wolfe. In this report authors look closer at the activities of the International Narcotics Control Board though the prism of the global campaign to prevent the spread of HIV epidemics. The authors analyzed the position of INCB on the key initiatives to prevent the spread of HIV such as harm reduction, opiate substitution treatment, safer injection facilities, sterile syringe programs, and protection of fundamental rights of persons using drugs. The research is based on the documents, reports and statements made by the Board, and is supported with materials provided by the relevant UN agencies and other concerned stakeholders.  

Attached are the full document and the summaries with key findings and recommendations.

Citation: Csete J and D Wolfe,  'Closed to Reason: The International Narcotics Control Board and HIV/AIDS',  Canadian HIV/AIDS Legal Network and the International Harm Reduction Development Program of the Open Society Institute (2007)

HRDP summary