Policing Pregnancy: The Law and Ethic of Obstetric Conflict, J. Miola (2007)

This book review details the comprehensive overview of the chapters in this collection of articles on the subject of pregnancy and the erosion of women's rights when something affecting them may threaten the foetus or embryo. It includes a chapter that investigates how the Unborn Victims of Violence Act, signed into law by President Bush and the 'drug mother' laws in the US have let to women being incarcerated or even prosecuted for homicide.

Miola J. 'Policing Pregnancy: The Law and Ethics of Obstetric Conflict' (21 International Journal of Law, Policy and the Family 128) 2007

 <http://lawfam.oxfordjournals.org/content/21/1/128.short> accessed February 18, 2014

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