
Date Title Source
12-March-2009 Alexandr Makarov v Russia (App no 15217/07) ECHR 12 March 2009 European Court of Human Rights
10-March-2009 High Commissioner for Human Rights calls for Focus on Human Rights and Harm Reduction in International Drug Policy, Navanethem Pillay (2009) UN Commission on Human Rights
22-February-2009 Josefina Juan de Pichardo et al v. Dominican Republic (Precautionary Measures) IACHR (22 February 2009) Inter-American Commission on Human Rights
19-February-2009 Report of the International Narcotics Control Board on Follow-up to the Twentieth Special Session of the General Assembly- Part on Harm Reduction (2009) International Narcotics Control Board
19-February-2009 Report of the International Narcotics Control Board for 2008 (2009) International Narcotics Control Board
19-February-2009 Report of the International Narcotics Control Board for 2008: The International Drug Control Conventions: History, Achievements and Challenges, INCB (2009) International Narcotics Control Board
19-February-2009 Report of the International Narcotics Control Board on Follow-up to the Twentieth Special Session of the General Assembly- Part on Alternative Development (2009) International Narcotics Control Board
19-February-2009 Report of the International Narcotics Control Board on Follow-up to the Twentieth Special Session of the General Assembly- Part on Fighting Money-Laundering (2009) International Narcotics Control Board
18-February-2009 Report of the Special Rapporteur on the situation of human rights and fundamental freedoms of indigenous peoples: Mission to Bolivia, Rodolfo Stavenhagen (2009) UN Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights
17-February-2009 Onur v the United Kingdom (App no 27319/07) 17 February 2009 European Court of Human Rights

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