
Date Title Source
21-November-2011 Restrictive Government Drug Policies leave Kenyan Children Dying in Pain, Peter Moszynski (2011) British Medical Journal
09-November-2011 Neither Rights Nor Security: Killings, Torture, and Disappearances in Mexico’s “War on Drugs (2011) Human Rights Watch
28-October-2011 Narco-Terror: Conflating the Wars on Drugs and Terror Essex Human Rights Review
11-October-2011 Somsanga's Secrets: Arbitrary Detention, Physical Abuse, and Suicide inside a Lao Drug Detention Center, Human Rights Watch (11 October 2011) Human Rights Watch
01-October-2011 Somsanga’s Secrets: Arbitrary Detention, Physical Abuse, and Suicide inside a Lao Drug Detention Center (2011) Human Rights Watch
01-October-2011 HMG Strategy for Abolition of the Death Penalty 2010-2015, Foreign & Commonwealth Office (2011) N/A
09-September-2011 Communications report of the Special Rapporteur on the right to health: Brazil, Anand Grover (2011) UN Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights
07-September-2011 The Rehab Archipelago: Forced Labor and Other Abuses in Drug Detention Centers in Southern Vietnam, Human Rights Watch (2011) Human Rights Watch
05-September-2011 Communications Report of Special Procedures (2011) UN Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights
01-September-2011 The Rehab Archipelago: Forced Labor and Other Abuses in Drug Detention Centers in Southern Vietnam (2011) Human Rights Watch

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