
Date Title Source
01-March-2006 Asylum Claims and Drug Offences: the Seriousness Threshold of Article 1F(b) of the 1951 Convention Relating to the Status of Refugees and the UN Drug Conventions International Journal of Refugee Law
01-March-2006 Report of the International Narcotics Control Board for 2005: Alternative Development and Legitimate Livelihoods (2006) International Narcotics Control Board
01-March-2006 Report of the International Narcotics Control Board for 2005 (2006) International Narcotics Control Board
07-February-2006 Race, Drugs, And Policing: Understanding Disparities In Drug Delivery Arrests Criminology
01-February-2006 Addiction and Autonomy: Can Addicted People Consent to the Prescription of their Drug of Addiction?, Bennett Foddy and Julian Savulescu (2006) Bioethics
26-January-2006 Report of the Special Rapporteur on violence against women, its causes and consequences:Mission to the Russian Federation, Yakin Ertürk (2006) UN Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights
26-January-2006 Progress report on preparatory work for the study regarding best practices carried out to implement the recommendations contained in the annual reports of the Special Rapporteur on the rights of indigenous people, Rodolfo Stavenhagen (2006) UN Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights
15-December-2005 Report of the Special Rapporteur on the rights of indigenous peoples: Mission to South Africa, Rodolfo Stavenhagen (2005) UN Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights
12-December-2005 Report of the Working Group on Arbitrary Detention, Leïla Zerrougui (2005) UN Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights
05-December-2005 Emerging policy contradictions between the United Nations drug control system and the core values of the United Nations, David R. Bewley-Taylor (2005) International Journal of Drug Policy

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