
Date Title Source
27-January-2015 No 1:Human Rights, Drug Control and the UN Special Procedures: Preventing arbitrary detention through the promotion of human rights in drug control, Julie Hannah, Nahir de la Silva (2015) HRDP
01-January-2015 UNGASS 2016 on The World Drug Problem, Khalid Tinast (2015) The Graduate Institute Geneva: Global Health Programme
01-January-2015 Drug Crop Production, Poverty, and Development, Julia Buxton (2015) Open Society Foundations
01-January-2015 Drugs and Development: The Great Disconnect, Julia Buxton (2015) N/A
01-September-2014 Taking Control: Pathways to drug policies that work, Global Commission on Drug Policy (2014) Global Commission on Drug Policy
20-August-2014 Communications report of Special Procedures (2014) UN Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights
03-July-2014 Report of the Special Rapporteur on the rights of indigenous peoples: The status of indigenous peoples’ rights in Panama, James Anaya (2014) UN Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights
01-July-2014 A Gender Perspective on the Impact of Drug Use, the Drug Trade, and Drug Control Regimes, UN Women (2014) N/A
30-June-2014 Report of the Secretary General: Question of the Death Penalty (2014) UN Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights
30-June-2014 Report of the Working Group on Arbitrary Detention: Mission to Brazil (2014) UN Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights

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