
Date Title Source
08-January-2013 Retunscaia v Romania, ECHR (2013) European Court of Human Rights
01-January-2013 Drug Offences, Access to Justice and the Penalisation of Vulnerability: Submission to the UN Committee on the Elimination of Discrimination against Women (2013) Harm Reduction International
01-January-2013 The death penalty and the “most serious crimes”: A country-by-country overview of the death penalty in law and practice in retentionist states, International Commission against the Death Penalty (2013) N/A
13-December-2012 Volk v Slovenia, ECHR (2012) European Court of Human Rights
13-December-2012 El-Masri v the Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia (App no 39630/09) ECHR 13 December 2012 European Court of Human Rights
13-December-2012 UN Committee on the Rights of the Child, Concluding Observations on Liberia (2012) UN Committee on the Rights of the Child
13-December-2012 De Souza Ribeiro v France, ECHR (2012) European Court of Human Rights
11-December-2012 Irakli Mindadze v Georgia (App no 17012/09) ECHR 11 December 2012 European Court of Human Rights
11-December-2012 Athary v Turkey (App no 50372/09) ECHR 11 December 2012 European Court of Human Rights
07-December-2012 UN Committee on the Rights of the Child, Concluding Observations on Albania (2012) UN Committee on the Rights of the Child

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