
Date Title Source
10-July-2012 Vidgen v the Netherlands (App no 29353/06) ECHR 10 July 2012 European Court of Human Rights
10-July-2012 Bjork Eidsdottir v Iceland (App no 46443/09) ECHR 10 July 2012 and Erla Hlynsdottir v Iceland (App no 43380/10) ECHR 10 July 2012 European Court of Human Rights
07-July-2012 The International Criminal Court, Drug Trafficking and Crimes against Humanity: A local Interpretation of the Rome Statute, Sainz-Borgo, Juan Carlos (2012) The Journal Jurisprudence
03-July-2012 Samsonnikov v Estonia (App no 52178/10) ECHR 3 July 2012 European Court of Human Rights
27-June-2012 Kichwa Indigenous People of Sarayaku v. Ecuador (Merits, Reparations, Costs) IACtHR Series C No 245 (27 June 2012) Inter-American Court of Human Rights
06-June-2012 UN Committee on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights: Concluding Observations on Spain (2012) UN Committee on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights
05-June-2012 Khodzamberdiyev v Russia (App no 64809/10) ECHR 5 June 2012 European Court of Human Rights
04-June-2012 Report of the Special Rapporteur on the right of everyone to the enjoyment of the highest attainable standard of physical and mental health: Mission to Viet Nam, Anand Grover (2012) UN Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights
01-June-2012 Addiction Medicine: Closing the Gap between Science and Practice, CASA Columbia (2012) Colombia Reports
01-June-2012 Partners in Crime: International Funding for Drug Control and Gross Violations of Human Rights, Patrick Gallahue, Roxanne Saucier and Damon Barrett (2012) Harm Reduction International

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