
Date Title Source
18-April-2010 Litigating against the Death Penalty for Drug Offences: An interview with Saul Lehrfreund & Parvais Jabbar HRDP
15-April-2010 Report of the Special Rapporteur on the right of everyone to the enjoyment of the highest attainable standard of physical and mental health: Mission to India, Anand Grover (2010) UN Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights
07-April-2010 UN Human Rights Committee: Concluding Observations on New Zealand (2010) UN Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights
01-April-2010 Effect of Drug Law Enforcement on Drug-Related Violence: Evidence from a Scientific Review, Dan Werb, Greg Rowell, Gordon Guyatt, Thomas Kerr, Julio Montaner and Evan Wood (2010) International Centre for Science in Drug Policy
01-April-2010 Buijen v Germany (App no 27804/05) ECHR 1 April 2010 and Smith v Germany (App no 27801/05) ECHR 1 April 2010 European Court of Human Rights
31-March-2010 Report of the Special Rapporteur on extrajudicial, summary or arbitrary executions: Mission to Colombia, Philip Alston (2010) UN Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights
29-March-2010 Medvedev and others v France (App no 3394/03) ECHR 29 March 2010 European Court of Human Rights
27-March-2010 Manoel Leal De Oliveira v. Brazil (Report) IACHR (27 March 2010) Report No. 37/10 Inter-American Commission on Human Rights
19-March-2010 Tibu massacre v. Columbia (Admissibility Decision) IACHR (19 March 2010) Report No. 51/2010 Inter-American Commission on Human Rights
17-March-2010 R v Momcilovic [2010] VSCA 50 (17 March 2010) Supreme Court of Victoria

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