
Date Title Source
04-March-2008 Tyrone Dacosta Cadogan v. Barbados (Admissibility Decision) IACHR (4 March 2008) Report No. 7/08 Inter-American Commission on Human Rights
01-March-2008 Recalibrating the Regime: The need for the human rights-based approach to international drug policy, D. Barrett, R. Lines, R. Schleifer, R. Elliott and D. R. Bewley-Taylor (2008) Harm Reduction International
26-February-2008 Report of the Special Rapporteur on torture and other cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment: Mission to Sri Lanka, Manfred Nowak(2008) UN Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights
05-February-2008 Unique in International Relations? A comparison of the International Narcotics Control Board and the UN Human Rights Treaty Bodies, Damon Barrett (2008) Harm Reduction International
01-February-2008 Ethical and Human Rights Imperatives to Ensure Medication-assisted Treatment for Opioid Dependence in Prisons and Pre-trial Detention, Bruce R. Douglas, and Rebecca A. Schleifer (2008) International Journal of Drug Policy
31-January-2008 Report of the Special Rapporteur on the right of everyone to the enjoyment of the highest attainable standard of physical and mental health, Paul Hunt (2008) UN Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights
16-January-2008 UN Committee on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights: Concluding Observations on Finland (2007) UN Committee on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights
16-January-2008 UN Committee on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights: Concluding Observations on Hungary (2007) UN Committee on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights
08-January-2008 Different Needs: Women's Drug Use and Treatment in the UK, Mark Simpson and Julie McNulty (2008) International Journal of Drug Policy
07-January-2008 UN Committee on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights: Concluding Observations on Latvia (2007) UN Committee on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights

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