European Court of Human Rights: Kurmanayevskiy et al v Russia
Case Information Sheet: Kurmanayevskiy et al v Russia
Kurmanayevskiy et al v Russia This case information sheet summarises the key arguments and facts related to three cases currently pending at the European Court of Human Rights against Russia's current legal ban of methadone. Kurmanayevskiy et al v Russia Case Information Sheet
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Anoshkin v Russia (original application)

Anoshkin v Russian Federation Ivan Anoshkin is an activist from Togliatti who has HIV and HCV and previously had TB. He has been using drugs since 1998 and has had three unsuccessful drug…
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Abduysheva v Russia (original application)

Abduysheva v Russia (application 58502/11) Irina Abdyusheva Teplinskaya is an activist from Kaliningrad, who is both HIV and HCV positive and previously had tuberculosis. She spent 16 years in prison for drug crimes, and had five unsuccessful drug treatment attempts. The ECtHR granted Irina’s case priority status.
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Kurmanayevskiy et al v Russia: Case communication from the ECtHR

Official Communication from the European Court of Human Rights Kurmanayevskiy et al v Russia ( In May 2014, the ECtHR joined all three cases and formally communicated them to Russia with two…
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Kurmanayevskiy et al v Russia: The Russian Federation's response to the original communication

In March 2015, the Russian government responded to the European Court's original communication . The Russian government argues that the prohibition of OST protects the health and life of…