HRDP Briefing Papers

No 1:Human Rights, Drug Control and the UN Special Procedures: Preventing arbitrary detention through the promotion of human rights in drug control, Julie Hannah, Nahir de la Silva (2015)

The Working Group on Arbitrary Detention The HRDP launches its first briefing paper series providing a human rights legal analysis of the intersections between UN human rights mandates and drug… Read more

No 2: Human Rights, Drug Control and the UN Special Procedures: Preventing arbitrary and extra-judicial executions through the promotion of human rights in drug control, Julie Hannah, Araks Melkonyan (2015)
The Special Rapporteur on extrajudicial summary, or arbitrary executions The HRDP launches its first briefing paper series providing a human rights legal analysis of the intersections between UN… Read more

No 3: Human Rights, Drug Control and the UN Special Procedures: Preventing torture and other forms of cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment through the promotion of human rights in drug control, Julie Hannah, Araks Melkonyan (2015)
The Special Rapporteur on torture, and other forms of cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment of punishment The HRDP launches its first briefing paper series providing a human rights legal analysis… Read more