Report of the Special Rapporteur on rights of indigenous people: Analysis of country situations and other activities of the Special Rapporteur, Rodolfo Stavenhagen (2004)

Date: 06 February 2004

This report discusses repression of demonstrations/protests, threats to human rights defenders, violence, etc. in Bolivia, Colombia, and Mexico, but does not mention drugs, trafficking, organized crime, etc. The report does note that the Special Rapporteur wrote to Thailand with concerns that its plan on Community Development, Environment and Narcotic Control was harming indigenous people; Thailand replied that they were benefitting from the development program.

Citation: Rodolfo Stavenhagen,'Report of the Special Rapporteur on the situation of human rights and fundamental freedoms of indigenous people: Analysis of country situations and other activities of the Special Rapporteur'(2004) E/CN.4/2004/80/Add.1

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