Summer School on Human Rights and Drug Policy, Central European University, Budapest, 11-22 July

Date: 12 July 2011

The International Centre on Human Rights and Drug Policy is taking part in the first summer school on human rights and drug policy to take place at the Central European University, in Budapest, Hungary.

The course covers a range of issues, from the international drug control regime to public health and supply side isses.

Damon Barrett of the Centre is lecturing and facilitating working groups on international law, human rights and the international drug control system, and the rights of the child.

Course Director: Desmond Cohen, Formerly Dean School of Social Sciences, University of Sussex, UK and Director of the HIV/AIDS and Development Program, UNDP; Advisor OSI Global Drug Policy Program

Damon Barrett, Senior Analyst in Human Rights, Harm Reduction Association, UK and International Centre on Human Rights and Drug Policy, Ireland
David Bewley-Taylor, Senior Lecturer, School of Arts and Humanities, University of Swansea, UK
Balazs Denes, Executive Director, Hungarian Civil Liberties Union, Budapest, Hungary
Krzysztof Krajewski, Professor of Criminology, Jagellonian University, Krakov, Poland
Kasia Malinowska-Sempruch, Director, Global Drug Policy Program, OSI, Warsaw, Poland
Daniel Mejia, Professor of Economics, Universidad de los Andes, Colombia
Wiktor Osiatynski, Visiting Professor, CEU, Budapest, Hungary

The course aims to situate drug policies globally within a framework of fundamental human rights, and to assess the extent to which country and international drug policies fail to meet human rights standards. Discussion will focus partly on the identification and understanding of human rights including those that have their basis in international agreements and laws, and in part on evaluation and assessment of the gap between rights and practice in the implementation of drug policies in many countries and regions. The focus of the course will be global and participants will be drawn from all regions internationally.

A mix of teaching modes will be used and faculty are encouraged to minimise the use of formal lectures. Emphasis will be on discussion and interactive learning with maximal use of written and non-written materials. There exist considerable amounts of audio-visual media and these will be extensively used as a basis for group discussion. Time will be allocated for personal reading and participants will be encouraged to interact personally with faculty so as to deepen understanding of the issues. Site visits and discussions with civil society organisations and groups will be a feature of the programme of activities.

All those attending the course will be provided by CEU with a Certificate of Attendance. Opportunities will also be provided during the course for personal discussions with Faculty. It is intended that further work after the conclusion of the course be encouraged both in respect of research and programme analysis and development. Course faculty will be prepared to provide follow up assistance through personal agreement with students

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