Kent Law School, University of Kent-31 May 2012

Date: 21 May 2012

The International Centre on Human Rights and Drug Policy (University of Essex) and the Kent Centre for Law Gender and Sexuality (KCLGS) are pleased to announce that they will be hosting the seminar:

“Katrina Pacey: Sex Work and Social Change: Human Rights Litigation and the Advancement of Sex Workers' Rights in Canada”

Katrina Pacey is the litigation director at Pivot Legal Society and a partner with the law firm, Ethos Law Group. Pivot is a human rights organization in Vancouver, Canada, that uses the law to address systemic injustices that undermine the rights and interests of marginalized people. Her work is primarily focused on the issue of sex workers’ rights and drug policy reform. In addition to working in these areas, Katrina has worked on Pivot’s other campaigns, which include housing rights, police accountability, child welfare and youth justice. Katrina oversees all of Pivot's strategic litigation and is counsel for a group of street-based sex workers in a constitutional challenge to Canada’s prostitution laws. She is a co-author of several Pivot reports, including two major reports on sex work and law reform called Voices For Dignity: A Call to End the Harms Caused by Canada’s Sex Trade Laws and Beyond Decriminalization: Sex Work, Human Rights and a New Framework for Law Reform.

Date and venue: May 31, at E.Lyons (Elliot College) from 17:30-19:00

Please RSVP with Nayeli Urquiza Haas ( )

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