Kupczak v Poland (App no 2627/09) ECHR 25 January 2011

Date: 25 January 2011

The applicant, Mr. Edward Kupczak, is a Polish national who had a car accident in 1998 which left him paralysed. He was arrested in October 2006 on suspicion that he was a leader of the organised criminal gang involved in money laundering and usury. Mr. Kupczak complains that he was denied adequate medical care during his pre-trial detention which lasted for two-and-a-half years, particularly, that he was denied morphine-based painkillers which were prescribed to him to deal with chronic pain in spine. He also complains on excessive length of his pre-trial detention. He relies on prohibition of inhuman or degrading treatment, the right to respect for private and family life and the right to a fair trial.

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