Khudobin v Russia (App no 59696/00) ECHR 26 October 2006

Date: 29 October 2006

The applicant, Mr. Viktor Khudobin, is a Russian national who was arrested in 1998 on allegations of drug-related offences. In 1999 the court found him guilty and released due to findings of the psychiatric report stating that he had committed a crime in a state of insanity. The applicant complains that he did not receive adequate medical care and treatment during his detention, that the length of pre-trial detention was excessive, and that the conditions of detention were inhuman and degrading. The applicant also complains that the police agents acting undercover incited him to commit the crime. The applicant relies on the prohibition of torture and inhuman or degrading treatment, the right to a fair trial and the right to liberty and security. 

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