Bolivar Franco Camacho Arboleda v. Ecuador (Decision) IACHR (10 October 2003) Report No. 63/03

Date: 10 October 2003

Bolivar Franco Camacho Arboleda was arrested and detained for possession of cocaine.  After four years in detention, the Courts had failed to act on the initial request to collect a statement from the accused and destroy the drugs seized and the charges were provisionally dismissed subject to a mandatory review by an additional judicial body.  The initial judge was fined for his failure to act and to test the evidence.  Ecuador accepted their international responsibility for the actions of the Court which resulted in a violation of the petitioner’s right to liberty, fair trial and effective judicial remedy.  The State agreed to compensate Mr. Camacho Arboleda for the damage caused by his arbitrary detention and to seek out those responsible for the violations.

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