Santos Hernan Galeas Gonzalez v. Honduras, IACHR (2002)

Date: 27 February 2002

Mr. Galeas Gonzalez was a professional journalist working in Honduras until he began reporting on corruption of public officials including their links to drug trafficking.  His professional journalism license was revoked and he was prevented from seeking employment without this credential in the country.  He was reportedly threatened by officials and encouraged to leave the country.  He eventually sought and was granted asylum in the United States.  The Commission held that while he did not pursue available domestic remedies, an exception was available given his threats to personal security and his inability to remain in the country.  However, the Commission held that because the petitioner failed to submit a communication to the Commission timely, the case was not admissible.

Citation: Santos Hernan Galeas Gonzalez v. Honduras (Admissibility Decision) IACHR (27 February 2002) Report No. 20/02

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