K. and T. v Finland, ECHR (2001)

Date: 12 July 2001

The case concerns an application brought by a mother and her cohabitant, both Finnish nationals, whose identities are confidential. Applicant mother’s second child and third child, a boy and a girl, were placed in public care in 1993 on account of her unstable mental health and long-standing family difficulties. Her access to them was prohibited. Her cohabitant, the father only of the girl, alleges he was told he could have custody of his daughter only if he lived separately from her mother. In 1994 the two children were placed in a foster home and the applicants’ access to them was restricted to one monthly meeting. The applicants, who now have another child who is not in care, made various unsuccessful appeals against their access restrictions, which remain in place.

The applicants complain that the placement of their children in public care and the access regulations imposed violated their right to respect for their family life, guaranteed under Article 8 of the European Convention on Human Rights, and their right to an effective remedy, under Article 13.

Citation: K. and T. v Finland (App no 25702/94) ECHR 12 July 2001

(from the official press-release prepared by the Registry Office of the  European Court of Human Rights)

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