UNODC Guidance Note: UNODC and the Promotion and Protection of Human Rights (2012)

Date: 01 January 2012

The UNODC issued this guidance note in 2012, outlining the existing human rights obligations of the organization, including how the UNODC must implement these obligations in practice.  The guidance indicates the UNODC has a three-fold obligation to promote, respect and protect human rights throughout its activities from program design to implementation.  The note emphasizes that a State’s unwillingness to engage in human rights dialogue does not automatically mean withdrawal of UNODC support and proposes a continuum of possible responses to ensure respect for human rights.  These situations are presented as opportunities to engage as opposed to challenges.  A human rights based “situational analysis” is proposed toward the end of the document to reaffirm the significance of human rights in program delivery.  Specific human rights challenges for the UNODC and guidance is featured for: criminal justice reform, use of the death penalty for drug offenses, terrorism prevention, and compulsory drug treatment centers.

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