Half a Gram - A Thousand Lives, Lev Levinson (2008)

Date: 24 June 2008


The article presents information on the latest drug policy change in the Russian Criminal Code: a decrease of the drug threshold amounts for which possession can lead to a criminal liability. Also, the article presents an assessment of the 2003-2004 liberal revisions in the Criminal Code, and an analysis of the background/premise for the 2006 counter-reform. The author examines the new criteria for establishing criminal liability and possible consequences of these changes for people who use illicit psycho-active substances for non-medical purposes. 

Lev Levinson. 'Half a Gram--a Thousand Lives.'  (5 Harm Reduction Journal 22) 2008

<http://www.pubmedcentral.nih.gov/articlerender.fcgi?artid=2474596&tool=pmcentrez&rendertype=abstract> accessed February 22, 2014

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