G. T. v. Australia, UN Human Rights Committee (1997)

Date: 04 December 1997

Applying to the Committee, the author, Mrs. G.T. claimed that Australia would violate Articles 6, 7, and 9 of the Covenant if her husband, a Malaysian citizen, would have been deported to Malaysia where he might be subject to death penalty, preventative detention and torture or other forms of ill-treatment as a person convicted to drug-related crimes.

Based on fact that nothing in the information before the pointed to any intention of Malaysia to prosecute the Author and moreover, that in similar cases no prosecution had occurred the Committee found that it cannot be concluded that the Author would be tried, convicted and sentenced to death if deported to Malaysia. Thus, no violation of the Covenant was revealed. 

Citation: G. T. v. Australia (UN Human Rights Committee, 4 December 1997) UN Doc CCPR/C/61/D/706/1996

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