Jiménez Vaca v. Colombia, UN Human Rights Committee (2002)

Date: 25 March 2002

The author of the communication is Mr. Luis Asdrúbal Jiménez Vaca, a Colombian citizen. He was a practicing trial lawyer and was a member of various commissions set up by the Government to solve social and labour conflicts and violence in the region Turbo during 1980s. Based on his professional activities the author was summoned, harassed and detained by military. His car was shot by unknown men hitting the author twice. He complained to the authorities for death threats, but was never informed of the outcome of the investigation. He was forced to exile from Colombia and was granted a refugee status in the United Kingdom.

Applying to the Committee Mr. Vaca claimed that the state failed to protect his right to life, liberty and security. Based on these facts he was unable to return to his own country.

Considering the communication, the Committee found violations of Articles 6(1), 9(1) and 12 (1and 4) of the Covenant. 

Citation: Jiménez Vaca v. Colombia, UN Human Rights Committee (25 March 2002) UN Doc. CCPR/C/74/D/859/1999

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