UN Committee on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights: Concluding Observations on Iceland (1999)

Date: 17 May 1999

The Committee issued these concluding observations after consideration of Iceland’s second periodic report in 1999. In paragraphs 71 and 74, the Committee commends Iceland for its anti-alcohol and anti-drugs campaigns, including the programme ‘Drugless Iceland by 2002’. In paragraph 80, the Committee expresses concern at increasing juvenile violence and suggests a possible link with the increasing use of drugs and alcohol by youth. In paragraph 81, the Committee notes concern at the growing placement of children in foster homes, which increases the danger of them becoming addicted to drugs. In paragraph 86, the Committee encourages Iceland to increase health and social welfare expenditures, develop ‘a social indicator model of drug and alcohol abuse and its treatment’, and expand programmes ‘to deal with problems of the victims of alcohol and drug abuse on a long-term basis’.

Citation: UN Committee on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights. 'Concluding Observations on Iceland' (CESCR E/2000/22) 1999

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