UN Committee on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights: Concluding Observations on Mexico (1999)

Date: 02 December 1999

The Committee adopted these concluding observations after considering Mexico’s third periodic report in 1999. In paragraph 387, the Committee expresses concern at the presence of military and paramilitary forces in Chiapas and other Mexican states, and notes allegations that these forces were interfering with development programmes and economic and social assistance. In paragraph 406, the Committee recommends that Mexico regulate and supervise these military and paramilitary forces in order to guarantee access to social assistance programmes.
While the Committee does not mention it explicitly, the presence of such forces in Mexico was often a result of drug enforcement operations. For cases regarding this military presence and resulting human rights violations, see Cabrera Garcia and Montiel Flores v. Mexico and Rosendo Cantú et al. v. Mexico.

Citation: UN Committee on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights. 'Concluding Observations on Mexico' (CESCR E/2000/22) 1999

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