Report of the Special Rapporteur on extrajudicial, summary or arbitrary executions: Summary of cases transmitted to governments and replies received, Philip Alston (2009)

Date: 29 May 2009

In the Report the Special Rapporteur represented summaries of cases transmitted to the Governments and replies received. Particularly, he highlighted the issue of death penalty for drug-related crimes in Indonesia. In this respect, three main concerns were raised: respect for the requirement that the death penalty can be imposed only for the most serious crimes, the disproportionate number of foreigners sentences to death for narcotic-related offences, and the requirement that in capital punishment cases all fair trial guarantees are rigorously observed. 

 The Special Rapporteur addressed the issue of the imposition of death penalty for drug-related offences on juveniles in the Islamic Republic of Iran. Although the Deputy Attorney General of Iran reported to the Special Rapporteur that a new decree had been issued to the effect that death sentences imposed against juvenile offenders convicted for drug-related offences would be commuted to prison terms, reports also indicated that this decree was not binding for judges.

The Report represented also cases of capital punishment imposed on drug trafficker in Kuwait, death of journalists investigating drug-trafficking in Pakistan, torture with regard drug smuggling, death sentences of 16 Iraqi men in Saudi Arabia, death of drug addicted prisoner in Sri Lanka.

Citation: Philip Alston, 'Report of the Special Rapporteur on extrajudicial, summary or arbitrary executions: Summary of cases transmitted to governments and replies received' (2009) A/HRC/11/2/Add.1

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